Previous Ignite Speakers!

justinJustin Piercy

Who am I? I’m a media director at Connexus Community Church in Barrie. My responsibilities include all media production as well as live event production for both Barrie and Orillia Campus.

TOPIC: Story Telling Through Media


kellyKelly Patterson McGrath

Who am I? I teach, explore our urban forests and learn.

TOPIC: Innovations and ideas that come from nature.


jonJon Aston

Who am I? Senior Consultant at Digital Giants.

TOPIC: IT’S ON. The revolution to restore democracy has already begun. Join us in returning government to the citizenry of this beautiful land of ours.


sm_300x173Shane McChesney

Who am I? I run a couple of online survey companies that serve researchers all over the world.

TOPIC: How Bitcoin Might Change The World.


sueirelandigniteSue Ireland

Who am I? Professional computer geek/semi-professional parent/amateur writer/aspirational foodie/struggling runner who is passionate about living life to the fullest.

TOPIC: Life Lessons from the Edge – Disney World Edition.




bobBob Minhas

Who am I?   I fix technology…most days! 😉

TOPIC: A talk about the Documentary “Barbershop Punk” and its effect in the Canadian marketplace.



bruceBruce Joseph

Who am I?  Financial Adviser and Economic Analyst.  Breaking limiting delusional beliefs with kind reason.

TOPIC:  Global change and it’s opportunities and follies.


steveSteve Garvie

Who am I?  Founder and president of The CCSVI Foundation of Canada

TOPIC:  The Liberation Procedure

