Ignite Barrie is a event organized by The Creative Space, a coworking community space comprised entirely of unpaid volunteers. Other than providing the needed space, resources and relationships for small businesses, we invest our time to create events designed to educate and entertain the business, technical, and creative communities of the Barrie area.
How You Can Help
We are looking for companies to sponsor upcoming Ignite Barrie events.
Our team of volunteers contribute many hours to plan and implement Ignite Barrie. However, it takes more than our labour to produce each event. We have a wide range of costs including the venue, advertising, and other materials and activities that support the events.
Simply put, we can’t produce an Ignite Barrie event without our sponsors.
Sponsorship Levels
We realize that companies of all sizes want to contribute to the Ignite Barrie program so we created sponsorship levels to allow everyone to contribute, based on what your business can afford.
We offer the following sponsorship levels:
Friends of Ignite: $50
Spark Sponsors: $500 to $999
Flame Sponsors: $1,000 to $1,499
Inferno Sponsors: $1,500 and up
We use 100% of all sponsor dollars towards The Creative Space, the event expenses and/or improving future events.
Sponsorship Benefits
The Ignite Barrie team loves our sponsors. Besides our undying appreciation, here’s what you get for each sponsorship level:
All sponsors (with the exception “Friends” level) get their logos on all our print and online marketing materials:
11″x11″ Posters
5″x5″ invites
Large 6’x6′ banner on the front of our store front. That’s Five Points exposure!
Website and Facebook banners
Multiple tweets, posts and blog mentions
Friends of Ignite receive the following:
Your company logo appears on our website.
Your company logo appears on a slide with other Spark sponsors during the Ignite Barrie event.
Spark sponsors receive the following:
Your company logo appears on our website.
Your company logo appears on all print and digital promo (banner, poster, handouts)
Your company logo appears on a slide with other Spark sponsors during the Ignite Barrie event.
Your company receives 2 reserved seating tickets to the event.
Your company receives 2 t-shirts
Flame sponsors receive the following:
Your company logo appears on our website.
Your company logo appears on all print and digital promo (banner, poster, handouts)
Your company logo appears on its own slide during the Ignite Barrie event.
Your company receives 2 reserved seating tickets to the event
Your company receives 2 t-shirts
Your company logo appears on the back of the printed event program.
Your company can submit a 30-second video that we will play during the event.
Inferno sponsors receive the following:
Your company logo appears prominently on our website through the event cycle.
Your company logo appears on all print and digital promo (banner, poster, handouts)
Your company logo appears on its own slide during the Ignite Barrie event.
Your company receives 4 reserved seating tickets to the event
Your company receives 4 t-shirts
Your company logo appears on the cover of the printed event program.
Your company can submit a 1-minute video that we will play during the event.
In your 30-second or 1-minute video, you can do anything. In fact, we encourage you to be creative and develop a high-energy video that keeps pace with the event. Keep the content “G-rated” and exciting as you want to make it!
Looking for some examples of previous sponsor videos? Check these out:
Wise advice from Bookmans Entertainment Exchange (Ignite Phoenix 4)
Krys & Brandon’s minimalist approach (Ignite Phoenix 4)
Mind splitting creativity from Splinter Creative (Ignite Phoenix 6)
Retro humor from redPear (Ignite Phoenix 6)
How Do I Become A Sponsor?
Becoming an Ignite Barrie sponsor is easy. Contact us! Or you can contact Chad, our sponsorship coordinator, at chad [at] ignitebarrie [dot] com. He is happy to answer any questions and explain our sponsor benefits in more detail.
Sponsorship FAQ
Q: I know Ignite Barrie typically fills the venue. Can I get reserved seats for my company?
Q: Can I do an in-kind sponsorship?
Q: What type of payment do you prefer?
Q: What are the requirements for a sponsor video?
Q: How do we submit our logo?
Q: Can I give away promotional items, product samples, or raffle items during an Ignite Barrie event?