Ignite Barrie

Ignite is all about fast and fun presentations. Speakers must build their presentations with 20 slides, each of which is shown for 15 seconds, giving each speaker 5 minutes of fame.


5 Minutes

Each speaker has five minutes to give their talk. No more, no less

20 Slides

During each talk a series of 20 slides will autoplay on screen behind the speaker.

15 Seconds Per Slide

Each slide stays on screen for 15 seconds. That means timing is everything at Ignite!


Tickets at the Door = $15

That"s so expensive!!!  So save $5 and order your tickets online before next Wednsday, Oct 4th. Tickets ordered that day or at the door will be $15. See you there!

8 Speakers so far

ANGELA TURNER Who am I? Homemaker, singer/songwriter, actor, poet TOPIC: I would like to present about autism [wpcol_divider] TREVOR MORGAN Who am I? I swim across lakes, bike ridiculous distances, run up and down hills in circles. In other words, I"m a triathlete....

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Ignite Barrie 2017